Visual Artist

Tiny Terror – Local Rebel Artist Spotlight

Local folklore talks about a wild, woman who’s been defacing mannequins and painting naked women.  You hear tales like this, every now and then, and dismiss them as fantasies.  A new Jersey Devil?  More like a Philly Pixie!  Tiny Terror strolled into Bar XIII like she owned the place, setup her art, rubbed elbows with the local punks, and found a way into yet another art collective.  Her work has graced the walls of Bar XIII and frequents vendor events here and in Philadelphia.  We can confirm that Tiny is a real-life person with big goals and dreams.

Tiny: I’m a Philadelphia-based self-taught abstract artist and cultural activist. I use my artistic voice to call attention and raise vibrations for a better tomorrow. I first put the brush to the canvas in 2019. Every day since has been a wonderful learning experience. I will try anything once, or twice if I really like it. Exploring the possibilities of different materials, textures, and techniques make this the greatest experiment. My passion is painting with acrylic paints. I do enjoy fabrics and clothing. I work with new and recycled materials to create wild abstract mannequin artwork, as well. 

In addition to being a passionate artist, I’ve battled fibromyalgia since 2009. This is not something to wish upon anyone. Please understand that every muscle and joint in my body is greatly affected. I’ve been through many doctors and treatments. However, relief didn’t seem like a possibility until 2020. Losing 3 jobs when the pandemic hit was certainly scary, but it allowed me time off that my body desperately needed. For the first time since I was 19, I felt minimal pain. Post-pandemic, I am again working various jobs to keep my head above water. I am trying to cover rent, medical bills and art supplies while also attempting to find a better diagnosis or long-term holistic treatment. 

Being from Philadelphia, I’ve been a part of small sections of the art community. I spent time with Philly Art Collective in 2021 which was located in Old City until their space was sold in 2022. The head curator of that space recently opened up a new gallery showing in a new space. I am looking forward to reconnecting with them. In 2023, I was featured at Crown of Creation for a few months where I expanded many of my skills. Not only did I expand my creative art skills, but my limits were pushed into modeling and photography. The concept of body art and all the different ways to connect with the body on an artistic level were also developed in 2023 in various nightclub settings. These cornerstones were laid for a performance art piece I am building and plan to practice during the summer of 2024. Being a traveling artist is just as much fun as staying local. From 2022 to 2023, I was featured at the Brooklyn Art Cave and in late 2023, I joined Art Collective 13 in Wilmington, DE. I was also featured at Ghost Mart in Atlantic City, NJ, where I painted the body a live model on stage. 

It was a blast talking to Tiny.  You can run into this Rebel Artist all over the delaware valley area but the best way to keep up is to follow them online.

Tiny Terror

WEBSITE/SHOP: Learn more about Art for a Cause and drop by the SHOP and help support the artist!  (SHOP IS CLOSED, please visit Facebook)

FACEBOOK: Keep up with events and live posts on Facebook!

Hi, I’m Nova Nightingale

Writer and Artist from the Delaware Valley Region of Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Southern New Jersey. Champion of sub-culture and alternative arts, working to support and promote those artists who don't fit the usual norms.